Minggu, 19 Desember 2010

Fashionista sangat ke?

REAL fashionistas do not believe in trends.That type of person would be more correctly labeled a fashion whore or a shallow bitch.

- Urban Dictionary.
Girls always self pro claimed them are fashionista enough because the fashion trend that they are following is so up to date. Yes. Trend. If they are following trend 24 hours so who will be the fashion victim? or in a very rude way FASHION WHORE.

Just because you wear something very nice and gorgeous that doesn't mean you are fashionistas. Just because you have a picture in Lookbook also doesn't mean you are fashionistas. But depends on what picture you are posting over there. If it is a very unique fashion and people never seen before. So you WIN. You are fashionistas.

Please. Stop humiliate yourself by claiming you are so fashionistas but you are not.

This blog already 3 years old. Happy birthday - 16/12/2010
Sorry. I am still not in the mood writing any. #jiwakacau.
I will writing a love tips on Terfaktab. So wait and see my new post over there.

p/s: ada unsur-unsur menyindir. siapa makan gula dia yang terasa manisnya! eh.

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