Jumat, 24 September 2010

Kontolversi #1

Pronounce it as KONTOLversi.

I don't know what happen to me recently.
I lost my sense of humor.
Even I read Zunar cartoon. I don't even laugh to his cartoon. Tayang muka kayu depan screen jah.
I feel so fuck up right now.
With my final exam already started. Just finish two papers. Two more to go.
I am so depress.

Probably you will said "macam tak pernah final exam".
Yeah. But this time I don't think I will maintain my pointers.
I really scare. I keeps thinking what would happens to me next and next.
If my pointers down again. No loan for me anymore. I have a lot of subjects to cover up next sem. This will cost me maybe around 3 thousand.
Expensive right?
If I were born as a daughter of Donald Trump. I don't mind if I repeat my semester again and again.

Please don't ask me to chill myself as I already mention above I have lost my sense of humor.
I don't know how to chil myself anymore. How?
I already try myself harder by Tumblring.
I know in Tumblr I will found a lot of funny cartoon or quote.
At least I will laugh to the Rage Toons. But NO.

That is one of the Rage Toons I will laugh a lot. But not now.
Do you laugh after seeing the cartoon above? If you did. Thank God. You still have the sense of humor. But not me.

Why is this happening to me?
Probably something wrong with my mind. Some wiring in my mind broken? I don't maintenance my mind recently.

Dey. Why you are typing in English? This means I am not in a very good situation to think of. Probably I don't know what am I writing in this entry. I just express my feeling. The person who can understand better what is this all about. Is myself. But myself also refuse to listen to my other side. Why people? Why?

I hope I am not losing my soul too. Then I will become like mayat hidup. Please cheer me up! This entry is not kontolversi actually. I have no idea what to name this entry as.

This is my 444th posts. In chinese meaning 444 means go to hell or PERGI MATI LAH. Are Blogger.com also asking me to go to hell too? HAHA~

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