Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

[Sunday Song] #3 : 2AM - Can't Say I Love You (사랑한단 말 못해)

Terlupa sunday song minggu lepas kerana kesibukan yang melanda =..=. Now enjoy this song ok? :D

English translation:

Why do you keep being like this, why can’t you understand
Why do you keep lounging around my side
How many times do I have to say
That you and me are already over, I don’t wanna see you anymore

Why don’t you listen to your parents
What’s so bad about that person
You just have to leave me, it’s not even a hard thing to do
Now go back to the world you were living in

I can’t say I love you anymore, I can’t ask for you to wait for me anymore
I’m a fool that just hurt you, I’m just a poor man

Even if I lie clumsily, telling you to go, leave
You keep crying, crying, saying that you don’t want to, you can’t
Lingering affection grips me, I want to keep you by my side
But not anymore, I have to end it for you

Because you only knew me since you were very young
You had too many things that you didn’t do
You have to have the things you want and wear nice clothes
Now go back to the world you were living in

I can’t say I love you anymore, I can’t ask for you to wait for me anymore
I’m a fool that just hurt you, I’m just a poor man

How can I forget you, the shining sun of my life
If I send you like this, I don’t know how I’ll live

I can’t say I love you anymore, I can’t ask for you to wait for me anymore
I’m a fool that just hurt you, I’m just a poor man

Jumat, 29 Juli 2011

mari kita berPhotoGedik dalam entri kali ini.

Kes tak ada idea nak menulis. Dan malas nak menaip panjang panjang. Jalan penyelesaian ialah berPhotoGedik di hadapan webcam laptop.

Tamat sudah entri tayang muka~

The end.

Rabu, 27 Juli 2011

Wordless Wednesday #12 : He's another Magneto from X-Men

On Wednesdays all over the internet, bloggers post a photograph with no words to explain it on their blog. Hence the ‘wordless’ title. The idea is that the photo itself says so much that it doesn’t need any description. - answers.com

Captured by Scandx and edit by me!

Jumat, 22 Juli 2011

macam mana nak masuk website warez-bb.org?

Sebenarnya untuk yang belum tahu lagi, SKMM dah block warez-bb.org sekarang ni. Perkara ni dah berlaku sejak sebulan lepas. Ada lagi 9 website download yang dah kena block sebenarnya. Warez-bb.org salah satunya [Berita]. Aku ingatkan semua orang dah tahu. Tapi masih ada lagi yang bertanya pasal warez-bb.org ni kenapa tak boleh buka.

Semua orang sayang warez-bb.org. Gudang terbesar untuk download movie, apps dengan games. Ada dua cara untuk membolehkan kau kau orang bukak website tu balik. Cara cara ni boleh digunakan untuk unblock semua website yang dah disekat.

1. Bypass proxy.
Senang sahhaja cara ni. Install software nama UltraSurf [link]. Pastu bukak UltraSurf setiap kali nak masuk warez-bb.org. Tapi susah nak download dari website macam Rapidshare dengan Megaupload. Nanti keluar message macam ni:

Selalunya terjadi sebab kita tengah share IP address dengan orang lain bila pakai software macam UltraSurf ataupun CyberGhost [link]. Kalau bernasib baik mungkin kau seorang sahaja user yang pakai IP address tu. Tapi possibilities untuk berlaku ialah 20%. Software macam ni cuma sesuai untuk stream video dari site yang kena block macam RedTube tu. HAHAHAHAHA!

Kalau tak nak install apa apa software. Boleh cuba website ni Masokis [link] atau Hide My Ass [link] untuk bypass. Cuma masukkan url website tu lepas tu tekan GO.

2. Tukar DNS.
Cari ni paling efektif. Tak ada masalah download. Boleh surf dengan suka hati. Tak payah susah payah nak buka software bypass proxy tu setiap kali nak buka warez-bb.org. hehe. Macam mana cara dia? Cara ni tak boleh pakai langsung kalau kau guna broadband. Aku dah test kat Maxis Broadband aku. Tak pass langsung. Dah test kat Streamyx. Boleh pass :)

Aku pakai windows 7. Pergi kat Start > Control Panel > Tekan Network and Internet > Tekan Network and Sharing Center > Sidebar : Change Adapter Settings > Right Click kat Local Area Connection. Kalau pakai wifi, righ click kat Wireless Network Connection > Properties.

Tengok gambar bawah ni lepas dah tekan Properties tu.

DNS lain yang kau orang boleh guna try tengok sini [link].

Nak tengok cara lain? Boleh rujuk artikel ni [link].

Aku jarang nak download movie dari warez-bb.org tu lah. Sebab aku tak ada account premium. Tak sedap lah nak sedut tanpa account premium. Jadi selalu download software atau game yang dorang dah crack sesiap kat sana. Movie movie aku suka download pakai mediafire je dan contoh faveret website aku ialah mediafire4u.com dengan mediafiremovie.org. Lagi laju dia punya transfer rate.

Senarai website download lain yang aku rekemen boleh rujuk entri ni[link]
Cara pasang subtitle boleh tengok sini ok?

Selamat mencuba yaaa!

Selasa, 19 Juli 2011

Wordless Wednesday #11 : Able to love with all my lies.

On Wednesdays all over the internet, bloggers post a photograph with no words to explain it on their blog. Hence the ‘wordless’ title. The idea is that the photo itself says so much that it doesn’t need any description. - answers.com

Captured by Martin Stranka [website]

Minggu, 17 Juli 2011

[Sunday Song] #2 : Just My Imagination by The Cranberries

There was a game we used to play
We would hit the town on Friday night
And stay in bed until Sunday
We used to be so free
We were living for the love we had and
Living not for reality

It was just my imagination [x3]

There was a time I used to pray
I have always kept my faith in love
It's the greatest thing from the man above
The game I used to play
I've always put my cards upon the table
Let it never be said that I'd be unstable

It was just my imagination [x3]

There is a game I like to play
I like to hit the town on Friday night
And stay in bed until Sunday
We'll always be this free
We will be living for the love we have
Living not for reality

It's not my imagination [x3]
Not my [x18]

Sabtu, 16 Juli 2011

tengah tengok movie movie cinta.

Dah tak ada hati dekat blog dua tiga minggu ni. Mungkin tengah sibuk siapkan FYP yang nan hado tu. Server scripting pun belum siap. Matilah kena marah dengan supervisor nanti LIKE A BOSS. HAHAHA! Bila dah tak ada hati ni aku rasa nak je delete blog ni.

Pastu mood sekarang ke arah love love. Bukan sebab aku in love. Aku rasa sudah tiba masanya aku melayan cerita cinta ni.

Selama ni layan cerita potong potong kaki dengan usus terkelur dengan kepala melayang. Why not give it a try marathon movie cinta plak. Lagipun tengah boost up my writings on Terfaktab. Dah tak ada idea woi nak tulis pasal cinta. Berikut merupakan beberapa movie cinta yang aku tonton sejak bulan lepas.

1. Beastly
Movie ni boringgggg sebenarnya. Aku baca review kat IMDB tu ramai kata movie ni boring tapi novel untuk movie ni memang best. Baru tahu this movie is based on a novel. Lagipun run time movie ni cepat sangat dah habis. Tak puas tengok. Cerita ni pasal beauty and the beast zaman moden ah. Hero dia tak buruk mana pun sebenarnya. Setakat ada urat urat pelik kat satu badan tak menjadi masalah kot?
People nowadays make such a big deal about looks. But after a while, when you fall in love with someone, you don’t seem to notice and of that things anymore.
So that explain all about this movie.

2. Water for Elephants
Movie ni okay sangat walaupun kejap kejap aku terlepas beberapa dialog dia. Sebab subtitle dia cepat sangat hilang. Kalau nak aku dengar dorang speaking mana cepat tangkap woi. tsktsktsk. Pasal budak nama Jacob ni join circus lepas mak bapak dia mati. Jacob ni bakal doktor haiwan. Lepas tu dia join circus ni lepas tu fall in love dengan bini boss dia. Bini boss dia heroin dalam poster tu lah. Pastu lebih kurang cinta terlarang gak lah. Part paling aku nak nangis masa boss circus tu pergi pukul gajah tu. T_T. Bodoh kau boss. Dera binatang plak. Babis babis. Tengok dah emosi!

Trivia: Aku baru tahu hero dalam cerita ni hero dari Twilight woi. Tapi kenapa dalam Twilight macam gay je aku tengok dengan make up make up bagai? Dalam cerita ni nampak gagah perkasa :D

3. (500) Days of Summer
Movie ni aku tengok sebab nampak @hellioz666 tweet pasal ni. Jadi try lah download lepas tu tengok. Hey cerita ni best woi. Boy falls in love. Girl doesn't. This is not a love story. This is a story about love. Summer yang tak nak in a relationship but she never treat lelaki dalam movie ni as friend. It's more like a lover. Summer tak percaya cinta sejati wujud. Sebab tu she feels Tom is not the right one for her. And ending dia not a very happy ending. Summer akhirnya kawin dengan laki lain. Dan Tom move on with his life jadi arkitiek.
The best relationship is when you two can act like lovers and best friends.
4. The Notebook
Siapa tak pernah tengok cerita ni memang rugi. Walaupun jalan cerita dia typical sebab cinta dua darjat. Yang hero orang miskin dan yang heroin dari keluarga kaya. But memang worth to watch it lah. Paling emosi masa family Allie tak setuju langsung Allie kapel dengan Noah. Celaka betul. Siap pisahkan dorang dengan sorokkan surat Noah untuk Allie. Last last Allie dapat tahu gak. Lepas tu cari Noah balik. Dan akhirnya dia kena buat keputusan ikut tunang dia atau ikut Noah. And semua orang boleh agak kot Allie siapa. Noah of course!

Movie ni flashback balik Noah yang tukang cerita kepada Allie yang dah tua dan nyanyuk kat rumah orang tua. Noah dan Allie mati sama sama kat katil yang sama. Kira mati dalam tidur lah. That's so touching :')

Movie lain yang aku malas nak review sebab dah hampir 70% jalan cerita dia aku dah lupa. p.s: I Love You dengan The Last Song. Dari dua tiga bulan lepas kot aku tengok. Mana nak ingat sangat.

Dan berikut movie yang aku akan download dan tengok lepas ni. ngahahahaha! Excited betul nak tengok movie movie ni hoi! Panggil aku ketinggalan zaman sebab baru nak tengok A Walk To Remember. tsktsktsk. And movie Remember Me macam best sebab hero dia pakai hero dari Twilight dengan Water for Elephants. Harap harap movie dia tak kecewakan aku sebab movie trailer dia sangat best. Going to download this two movies.

Kalau kau kau orang ada movie suggestion yang lain cepat suggest kat kotak komen bawah ni. Memang tengah mood nak tengok movie cinta cinta hoi. Kerjasama anda amat dihargai. teeeheee!

p/s: sini[link] banyak movie suggestion. Bookmark for myself.

Selasa, 12 Juli 2011

Wordless Wednesday #10 : Coklat.

On Wednesdays all over the internet, bloggers post a photograph with no words to explain it on their blog. Hence the ‘wordless’ title. The idea is that the photo itself says so much that it doesn’t need any description. - answers.com

Captured by me with Sony Naite [30th June 2011 - 1.45 PM]

Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011

[Sunday Song] #1 : A Voyage To The Velvet Sun by The Monophones

Apa jadi kepada blog ni bila hari Ahad? Bila hari Ahad aku akan tunjuk kat kau kau orang semua satu lagu yang currently aku sangat addicted dalam playlist aku. Enjoy!

Picture perfect memories
When the rivers and the ocean have no water
When the rainbow and the sky have no color
When the changes of the season have been over
I will standing till the end
When all the crystal and the diamonds no more sparkling
When all the thunders in the sky loose its sprinkling
When all the mirror in the walls no more glittering
I'll keep shining till the end
I will wait until the sun won't be shining
I will wait until the earth stop turning
I will wait until the stars gone glimmering
And when has come the time
I'll standing till the end
When all the tone in every song had no harmony
When all the words in every poem so unworthy
When all the sounds of music heard so clumsy
I will sing it till the end
I will wait until the blossom stop blooming
I will wait until the oats refuse growing
I will wait until the last autumn falling
And when has come the time
I'll standing till the end
I'll climb the highest mountain
With all my life and all the strength I have
Although the sun and the rain
Keep pouring on my pain
I'll reach the highest mountain
With all my hopes and all the steps I have
Although the stepping alley
Keep stumbling on my way
I will wait until the blossom stop blooming
I will wait until the oats refuse growing
I will wait until the last autumn falling
And when has come the time
I'll standing till the end

Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

dreaming baby. so cute!

This is baby Mila. Her mother create all this, Adele Enersen [blog]. I don't want to explain more. Just look at this pictures that are so adorable! Creative.

While my baby is taking her nap, I create scene around her and take quick snap photos. - Adele Enersen