Senin, 30 Mei 2011

cara mencari lelaki teruna.

Alert: Ada gambar 18SX. #NSFW - Not Safe For Work
Mari dengar kisah lawak di malam Isnin ini. I get this from You Laugh For Me. Sometimes I do dig a lot about pervert funny jokes for my daily laugh. So I found this. Enjoy and read it until finish ok?
A very 'straight and honest' girl is going to Kuala Lumpur. Before she left, her mother gave her some advice.

"Daughter, when you're in KL and if you're looking for a match there, you must take note of the following requirements mother set for you. You must find a man that is 'faithful', not 'spendthrift' and must be a 'virgin'."

With this advise from her mother, the girl went to town. After some months later, she came home to her kampung to get her mother's blessings to marry.

"Mother, I've met my match following your instructions. My future husband is faithful because when we went out for a holiday one day, he took care of me specifically even though there were so many prettier girls around. Isn't that being faithful?".

Her mother nodded in agreement.

"Then, since the day was getting late in the night and rain was pouring, my boyfriend decided that we stay the night at a hotel. He also suggested that in order not to spend too much, we shared one room only. Isn't he not spendthrift guy?"

For the second time her mother nodded her head in agreement, but with a little concern.

"And finally mum..., I know he is a virgin".

"How did you know he is still a virgin?" The mother asked with repetition.

"Mmm....his 'that one' is new......still wrapped up in plastic,mum!"
Kalau masih berbalut dengan "plastic" tu so it's still new. Fresh dari ladang katanya. Untouched version!

Nasib baik lah kat PLASTIC tu tak tulis expired date kan? I seriously loleddddd loudly alone in my room lepas baca cerita ni.

p/s: My previous entry Tanda-Tanda Mitos Perempuan Masih Dara Ataupun Tidak. I am amazed your attention span this far to my blog for reading that entry. Keeps reading this blog ok? :)

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