Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

Gambar ini sebenarnya sebuah seni walaupun 18SX

OhHoi! Semalam tak updated langsung. Wordless Wednesday pun aku lupa nak updated. Penat sangat lah jenjalan semalam. Tengok movie Thor lagi tahu! Thor oh Thor why not end up with Jane. I hope Thor II will give a happy ending for the hero and heroin (lol). Oh oh. Report untuk practical pun dah siap. Siap print lagi. Tinggal nak buat slide untuk present nanti. Dah tak busy dah tahu. So I am in for blogging again now. That's a brief about what happening on my life right now :)

Anyway, aku tahu kebanyakan manusia pernah tengok porno. Gambar porno. Video porno 3gp. Tapi gambar gambar yang bakal aku tayangkan kat bawah ini aku tak lihat gambar ini sebagai gambar lucah tapi sebuah seni photography. Looks at the model face. Don't just stare at their boobs people! Muka muka model tu can express their feeling that we couldn't easily understand when looking only from the surface.
My work is mainly concerned with the human body. Still, I do not concider my images to be classic nudes or erotic photography, although these genres may have an impact on my work. I am not interested in showing beauty as an outward phenomenon. Rather I would like to present the human being as a whole: Body and mind united.

By picturing nakedness in an image, it is to reveal mind and emotion not only showing the body as such. Among my models especially the ballet dancers are those who succeed in expressing this wholeness in a particular manner. Their bodies bespeak the constant pursuit of beauty, grace, achievement and perfection. It is my intention and my passion to display this to the viewer.
- Klaus Kampert , Photographer

Bodies Relating To Space

"You Better Not Play With The Earth"

Dancing the Cubes

Not at Right Angles

Water Moves, a ballet calender

Water Moves, a ballet calender
+ much more at here.

All this picture was taken by Klaus Kampert a Photographer from Germany. I hope this entry will not make anyone offenses. This is an art :)

saya pandangnya sebagai sebuah seni. anda pula?

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