Senin, 23 Mei 2011

[Entri Bergambar] A Girl Need A Guy .....

Hai Hai Hai! Sekarang ini aku dah habis dah zaman practical aku. Report dah submit. Slide pun aku dah present. Now I am officially CUTI. Walaupun cuti aku 2 minggu sahaja, is better than nothing weh. I need a long rest. Like sleeping for a whole year maybe. Sorry people. My broadband is working like an ass right now. Lip lap lip lap kejap kaler biru kejap kaler hijau. Pffffftttt~ But enjoy this entry ok?

All this picture own by Johann Frick a Germany photographer. Germany really have a such amazing photographer right? My previous entry pasal Gambar Bogel Yang Berseni is captured by a Germany photographer too.

....who can let her ride on his motocycle.

....who can carry her umbrella when it rains.

....who can surprise her with flowers.

....who can hold her hand tightly.

....and who can always appreciate her sweet kiss ♥


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